summer paisley

Monday, July 25, 2011

Yeah! First post!

So I've been inspired recently to start blogging by an incredibly talented writer. I have no intention of ever being as good as her (she's got way sorts of talent and natural gift!), but still, I'm going to write about my random journeys in hope that someone else will find them interesting/funny/and maybe even one day inspiring.

I'm going to keep details of my life and me in general vague at times because honestly, I have enough stalkers as it is (more about that in another post because it is incredibly hilarious that people like this actually exist). My 8 year-old nephew lives with me and he's awesome. Challenges me on a daily basis to not turn into an alcoholic, but I still love him. I also have 3 dogs. Not just any dogs. Dachshunds. Some days they too push me towards boozing. They will be the subject of many posts I am sure, but I swear I'm not a crazy weenie dog lady. Even though I wear doxie pajamas. Sometimes.

I am a business owner as well as full time cubicle junkie at my big girl job. I love both of them tremendously. I'm a very random person so not any job would do. Luckily, I scored in the creative field so I get to do a variety of crazy projects all the time. Ask me about the time I welded a cake pan to a pole, you won't be disappointed.

I'm very accident prone. I am spontaneous. I am passionate. I am out of descriptors so I'm ending this post. More adventures tomorrow!

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